Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Strangest Game

So, for my first role playing blog I want to tell you about the strangest thing I have had happen to me as a dm.
I was dming an Eberron campaign and I had one particular player who was...we'll call him special cause he's still a friend and I actually like the guy.
Anyway, so the party was traveling from Aundair to Karrnath by skyship, on the ship they run into some trouble and start a fight (this is just set up, trust me here), during the fight one character, a chaotic good cleric of Dol Dorn, rolled a critical miss and accidently stabbed one of the other passengers. So the guy ends up dying, what does this chaotic good Cleric do, he tosses the body overboard and (with a few amazing rolls) bluffs his way out of the whole thing.
So, now your thinking, ok, not very chaotic good but, not that weird either. It gets better.
So they finally get to Karrnath, land and disembark...heres how it went:
DM: You've finally arrived in Karrnath and it's getting on toward evening, your contact should be meeting you soon-
Player 1: Ok, I've still got some oil right?
DM: Um...yeah...
Player 1: I want to rub it in my hair.
DM: huh?
Player 1: I want to rub the oil in my hair.
DM: You know its not that kind of oil right?
Player 1: Sure, but I wanna look good for when our contact shows up and my hairs all windblown, so I'm gonna rub the oil in my hair.
DM: Ok, you rub the oil in your hair. Anyway its starting to get dark-
Player 1: Oh, its dark, I'm gonna go stand under a torch so our contact can see me.
DM: just rubbed oil in your know its flammable right?
Player 1: Ah, it'll be alright, I'm gonna stand under the torch.
By this time everyone in the room is looking at him kinda funny, anyway, a couple of rolls later...
DM: Well, the heat from the torch has ignited the oil in your hair, your heads on fire.
Player 1: Oh, wow, thats bad...I'll go jump in the river to put it out.
Player 2: Blank, you know that's probably not a good idea, your wearing pretty heavy armor.
DM: He's right, your armor will definitely weigh you down.
Player 1: It'll be fine, its just a river it can't be that deep, I jump in.
A couple of rolls later
DM: Well, the fire is out, but your armor is so heavy its pulled you under. Your drowning.
Player 1: Thats not good.
Player 2 (sighs): I jump in and pull him out, but I take off all my armor first.
Several rolls later
DM: Well, you've made it back to the dock without either of you drowning, but your both soaked and (player 1) your head has some pretty bad burns on it. About now your contact shows up, its a woman in her mid-thrities, she's wearing the uniform of a town official.
Player 1: Um...ok...I want to tell about everything that happened on the airship.
All the other players: Your kidding Blank, you can't do that.
DM: Umm...everything?
Player 1: Yep, everything.
DM: I think you'd better roleplay this out.
After some fairly creative roleplayed explanation about how and why he accidently killed someone on the airship and then covered it up
DM: She's called over a number of guardsmen, your all under arrest.
Player 1: What, why?
DM: Cause you just admitted neglegent manslaughter and the following cover uo to a town official on a dock full of guards.

He was, perhaps, the strangest player I have ever played with. When they were thrown in the dungeon, (all in separate cells) he bluffed the other characters into believing that he was being tortured and they broke out to rescue him...killed a whole slew of Karrnathy guardsmen and escaped across the river into the Mournland...

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